We love bringing the community together and doing a deep-dive into a topic we’ve been getting a lot of questions about.
A repeating theme in the Q&A's of our flagship course Infant Nutrition Essentials is around feed fortification in the NICU grad.
In this webinar, we'll look at indications for post-discharge formulas and when to fortify expressed breast milk in the ex-prem.
From there, we'll go over the evidence for transitioning to standard infant formulas and/or support exclusive breast milk using real life scenarios.
This webinar is for you if...
You see (or want to see) babies who have graduated from the NICU.
You are confused about the indications for post-discharge formula for ex-prems.
You struggle with feed fortification in the delicate ex-prem population.
All The Details
What: When To/How To - Making Feed Fortification Decisions for the NICU Grad
Who: Charlene Kennedy & Julie Larocque, Registered Dietitians & Co-Founders of Nutrition Masterclass
When: October 8th, 2024 @ 2 - 3pm EDT, recording will be available after the live event
Where: Live via Zoom
Cost: Free
Bring all of your questions for our live Q&A!
Heads up - we will take 5 minutes at the end of the webinar to discuss our upcoming course, Infant Nutrition Essentials. CPEUs will not be available for this webinar.
Picture this ...
You accept a new referral for an ex-prem recently discharged from the NICU. As you're getting familiar with the case, you start to ask yourself:
❓ What is different about post-discharge formulas? Are they really needed? What's the evidence?
❓ When can you transition from a post-discharge formula to a standard formula?
❓ What if the family wants to transition to a standard infant formula but wants to keep the concentration at 22 kcal/oz? Do we need to worry? How do we do that?
❓ When do we fortify expressed breast milk?
❓ When is it ok to support exclusive breast milk in an ex-prem? And how do we help families make the transition?
Meet Your Instructors
Learn from Registered Dietitians with 35+ years in the field
Hi! Charlene and Julie here.
We are the founders of Nutrition Masterclass and pediatric dietitians with more than 35+ years of combined experience in complex pediatric care, both in community clinics and hospitals.
We met working together at our local children's hospital and teamed up to create Nutrition Masterclass as a way to share our experiences working with the vulnerable pediatric population.
Needless to say, we have seen it all and have the binders to prove it!